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MyDigital ID: What Does It Mean For Malaysians & Digitalisation Efforts in Malaysia?

Have you heard about the latest digital innovation in Malaysia?  Imagine holding your future in the palm of your hand, compact within a digital identity known as MyDigital ID1. With the increasing reliance on digital technology, having a secure and trusted digital identity has never been more critical. As a Malaysian, this revolutionary tool is…

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Ways To Secure Your WordPress Site Against Cyber Attacks

Is your WordPress site vulnerable to cyber attacks? Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent, and WordPress sites are often targeted due to their popularity and vulnerability to security breaches. The good news is that there are several effective ways to secure your WordPress site and safeguard your valuable data. Let's explore different strategies and techniques you can implement…

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How Can A Robust Website Design Boost Customer Engagement?

Are you struggling to engage your customers online? Do you find that your website is not generating the desired level of interaction and interest? If so, it might be time to consider the impact of your website design on customer engagement. In today's digital age, a robust website design is essential for businesses looking to thrive…

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The Need For Fast-Loading Website Speed For Better User Experience

Did you know that a slow-loading website can drive users away and negatively impact your online business? In today's fast-paced digital world, users expect instant gratification and won't hesitate to abandon a website that takes too long to load. If you want to provide a better user experience and keep visitors engaged, it's crucial to prioritise…

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The Future of Certificate Verification: Embracing Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Credibility

Education fraud is a growing concern, with individuals fabricating credentials to gain an unfair advantage in the job market. This undermines the integrity of the education system and puts employers at risk of hiring unqualified candidates. Imagine a world where fake diplomas and degrees become a thing of the past, and employers can easily and securely…

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LastPass Password Manager Data Breach: What Can We Learn From It?

In 2022, the cybersecurity world witnessed a major incident concerning LastPass, one of the widely used password managers. The data breach that unfolded that year was a stark reminder to users and organisations alike regarding the potential vulnerabilities in even the most trusted security tools. As the details of this breach were revealed, it became   …

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Zero-Trust Policy What Is It, and How Can an Organisation Achieve It

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional security measures are proving to be insufficient in protecting organisations from advanced cyber threats. The increasing number of high-profile data breaches and sophisticated cyber attacks has led to a paradigm shift towards network and information security. One such transformative concept is the zero-trust policy, which challenges conventional perimeter-based security models…

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Is Discord the New Playground for Cybercriminals?

In recent years, the rise of social media platforms and their widespread usage have significantly impacted various aspects of society, including communication, collaboration, and information sharing. One such platform that has gained immense popularity is Discord, initially designed to provide a convenient platform for gamers to communicate with one another. However, as its user base has expanded…

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Latest Code Chaos Unleashed: Babuk Ransomware Mutation

The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with new threats appearing seemingly every day. One of the latest code chaos to wreak havoc is the Babuk ransomware mutation, causing chaos in the digital world. This dangerous ransomware strain has been spreading rapidly, targeting both individuals and businesses alike, encrypting their files and demanding ransom payments in…

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A.I. Showdown: Navigating the Future of Cybersecurity Threats and Opportunities

The advent of artificial intelligence (A.I.) has transformed industries across the globe, bringing forth a paradigm shift in technological advancements and applications. However, this proliferation of A.I. also presents unprecedented challenges to organisations as they strive to protect their digital assets from cybersecurity threats. As a result, enterprises need to understand the evolving landscape of risks…

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Unveiling the Secrets of LOBSHOT hVNC Malware: A Comprehensive Analysis

The cybersecurity landscape has witnessed a surge in sophisticated cyber threats and attacks. Among these emerging hazards is LOBSHOT hVNC malware, which poses significant risks to both individual users and organisations alike. This sophisticated malware can give cybercriminals access to a victim's computer, allowing them to steal sensitive information or take control of the system. Understanding…

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Unveiling the Blackbyte Ransomware: A Dark Web Nightmare

The landscape of cyber threats has evolved at an alarming rate, with ransomware emerging as a significant concern for businesses and individuals alike. Among these menacing virtual foes lurks Blackbyte Ransomware – malicious software that encrypts valuable data and threatens to auction it off on the dark web if a ransom is not paid promptly. In this…

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